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Tuesday, July 19th

Here is your "lion's share" of all the great activities our campers are enjoying...

The day yesterday began with a drizzle and end the hot and dry stretch of weather. Campers welcomed the cooler temperatures and subtle changes to the daily program. Thankfully, our surplus of covered sports rinks and spaces as well as our indoor activity areas meant that most of our regularly-scheduled programming could carry on unchanged. Of course, some groups, like the Crescents, went to our Mane Attraction theater for a special mid-morning movie, which they loved! By the afternoon, the rain had passed and we were all back to playing on our fields and climbing at Outdoor Adventure!

Last night was a special treat! We gathered as a camp family in the Social Hall for our annual Boys Sing. This is such a special night of traditional, wholesome summer camp fun where there's a perfect mixture of creativity, unity, laughter, and nostalgia. The boys spend a lot of time writing, rehearsing, and coordinating the details to ensure a great performance. And it all paid off! The night began with our youngest campers, the Cubs and Wildcats. dazzling us with their clever entrance song and sentimental alma-mater. They set the stage for a truly awesome evening. Plebes were up next and wowed us with their perfectly in-sync rhymes followed by Cadets who also rose above our expectations. Rangers, Juniors and Subbies continued to set the bar very high with hysterical lyrics in their entrance songs and heartfelt sentiments in their more serious alma-maters. Lower Teens continued to make us all laugh with their funny spoofs on their campus leader, campus assistants, and counselors. You can tell how close all of the boys in all of the divisions have become with each other as well as with their counselors and staff members.

Finally, it was time for the highest point of the evening--the speeches and songs by the Upper Teen Boys, our oldest campers. The songs were equally comedic yet heartwarming, with their speeches and alma-mater bringing many in the room to tears. Speeches were made by 9-year campers who spoke with such emotion and clarity that all of us in the room really sat up and took in their messages about the importance of camp and savoring all of your carefree, momentous years here at Lokanda.

At the end of the night, winners of each age group were announced, but really the winning was secondary to the brotherhood and connection that was celebrated during the evening. Nevertheless, winners were as follows:

Lower Camp Boys: Cubs & Wildcats

Middle Camp Boys: Juniors

Upper Camp Boys: Upper Teen Boys

We ended the evening with our whole camp on their feet singing and swaying together, arm in arm, shoulder to shoulder, to our Camp Lokanda alma-mater. What a special night it was!

The sun is shining and campers are out and about at all of our activity areas, taking in the fun. Tonight, we are hosting our annual Lokanda Dance Competition in our Lion's Den. We can't wait to see our girls strut their stuff !

It really is a Totally Toe-Tapping, Truthfully-Terrific Tuesday! With sun shining and perfect summertime weather, it is already a Totally Terrific Tuesday!


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