Monday, 4th of July!

Here is your "lion's share" of all the great activities our campers are enjoying...
What a weekend it was! For starters, we held our first Shabbat dinner and service as one big camp family. We all sat together overlooking the lake as the sun slowly set and reflected on our first official week at Camp Lokanda. Our CITs led us in songs and sentiments, as they shared their own favorite memories of their time here at camp. We also sang our longevity song commemorating the year we first came to Camp Lokanda. The service concluded with each campus awarding a Lokanda Way special shirt to one camper that displayed the trait of loyalty. T-shirt winners were as folllows:
Lower Camp Boys: Max Lieberman Lower Camp Girls: Leigha Hamilton
Middle Camp Boys: Eli Zucker Middle Camp Girls: Shayna Millman
Upper Camp Boys: Matt Rosenthal Upper Camp Girls: Jayden Seff
Saturday was a full day of activity. Lower Camp boys began their weekend league play, with cage soccer and Euro taking center stage. It was quite riveting watching these boys battle it out. Standout playing in Cage Soccer by Liam Edelstein who made three goals and had other unselfish assists and Micah Zatcoff who also scored 3 goals to help bring the yellow team a win. At Euro, cousins Luke and Ethan Brooks, along with Scotty Bender, dominated for blue while Max Ende secured a tie for red and took the game into overtime. Ultimately blue won in overtime, but the boys are definitely pumped for this summer-long league. We had a special treat in the evening as campers gathered in the Lion's Den for a line dance exeperience with entertainer, Rak Dan. We had three separate shows for lower, middle, and upper campers, respectively. Everyone had a blast!
Yesterday, MCG were greeted with the Lokanda Express! They happily picnicked around their campus and enjoyed Ronen's signature pancakes. The day was filled with activity and fun, including Inters having their first turn with a Lokanda delicacy, Penne a la Vie, in Cooking! Yum! We also started our "Sundaes on Sundays," where the cleanest bunk on each campus, based on a week of inspection scores, is treated to brownie ice cream sundaes!
Last night. we had our annual Counselor Hunt, a true Lokanda favorite and the most awesome game of hide-and-seek ever created! Counselors dressed up in funny, quirky costumes and hid themselves all around our campus. Campers were released from the Social Hall and were off trying to locate and lure back the most counselors they could find. The group with the most "finds" reigned supreme! Counselor hunt culminated with wacky camper and couselor relays on the upper basketball courts. In a remarkable and stunning fashion, CIT Max Levine hit a half-court basketball shot...on his FIRST TRY!
This morning, we awoke to clear, sunny skies, perfect for the day ahead. There is a special, patriotic spirit in the air as all of us here at camp excitedly await the day's and night's events, which include patriotic pastries in Cooking, our annual rockin' 4th of July barbecue, a hysterical lip-synch battle, and of course our spectacular fireworks display. We will gather as a true Lokanda family, overlooking the lake, and watch as the sky lights up with excitement!
Here's to a Marvelously-Patriotic Monday!